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      Monopoly Rules




      • Gameboard

      • 12 Hotels

      • Play Money

      • 16 Chance Cards

      • 2 Dice

      • 16 Community Chest Cards

      • 8 Tokens

      • 28 Title Deed Cards

      • 32 Houses



      Don’t go bankrupt. If you are the last player left who hasn’t gone bankrupt, you win.


      Shuffle and place the Chance and Community Chest cards face down on their allotted spaces on the board. While you may have given Chance and Community Chest custom names, for the sake of the instructions, they will be called Chance and Community Chest. Each player must choose one token as their piece to move around the board. Each player is given $1500 in the following manner:

      • $1 x5

      • $50 x1

      • $5 x1

      • $100 x4

      • $10 x2

      • $500 x2

      • $20 x1

      All remaining money and pieces go to the Bank.


      Pick one person to be the Banker. The Banker is in charge of the Bank’s money, houses, hotels,

      Title Deed cards, and auctions. The Banker can also be a player, but they must keep their money separate from the Bank’s money.

      THE BANK

      The Bank holds the money, Title Deed cards, houses, and hotels when no player owns them. All money that is not collected from or paid to a player is collected from or paid to the Bank. The Bank sells and auctions estates, bridges, and utilities and hands out the Title Deed cards when purchased. The Bank sells houses and hotels to the players and loans money when players mortgage estates, bridges, and utilities.

      The Bank never “goes broke.” If the Bank runs out of money, the Banker may issue as much money as needed by writing down amounts on regular pieces of paper and giving them to the players. If the Bank runs out of buildings, see BUILDING SHORTAGES.



      Place every player’s tokens on the GO space. Every player rolls both dice to see who goes first. The player with the highest total starts.

      On your turn, roll both dice and move your token that many

      spaces in a clockwise direction. Next, do whatever action is required from the space you landed on (buy an estate, bridge, or utility, pay rent, pay taxes, draw a Chance or Community Chest card, go to Jail, etc.). Once you are done with your turn, pass the dice to the player to your left.

      Two or more tokens may be on the same space at the same time. If you roll doubles, do your turn normally, but do not pass the dice to the next player. Instead, take another turn.

      If you roll doubles three times in a row, do not take your third move. Instead, move your token immediately to the space marked “Jail” (see JAIL).


      Each time a player’s token lands on or passes over the GO space, whether by rolling the dice or drawing a card, they collect $200 from the Bank.


      A player who lands on this space does not receive any reward of any kind. This is just a “free” resting place.



      When you land on either of these spaces, take the top card from the deck indicated, follow the instructions, and return the card face down to the bottom of the deck.

      The “Get Out of Jail Free” card is not returned immediately. Instead, it is held until used and then returned to the bottom of the deck. If the player who draws it does not wish

      to use it, they may sell it at any time to another player at a price agreed upon by both.



      Whenever you land on an unowned estate, bridge, or utility, you may buy it from the Bank. If you choose to purchase it, pay the price on the board space, and the Banker must give you the Title Deed card, which you place face up in front of you.

      If you do not wish to buy the estate, bridge, or utility, the Banker must announce that there is to be an auction for it. Bidding starts at $10, and anyone can increase the bid by as little as $1. The auction does not follow turn order; anyone can bid after the Banker starts the auction.

      Any player, including the one who landed on the estate, bridge, or utility, may bid.

      The Banker ends the auction when no player is willing to increase the bid. Whoever bids the highest must pay that amount to the Bank in exchange for the Title Deed card. If no one wants to bid on it, then the Bank will keep it at no cost to any player.


      Unimproved estates, bridges, and utilities can be mortgaged through the Bank at any time. You cannot mortgage an estate if there are any buildings on any of the estates in the same color set. If you mortgage an estate, bridge, or utility, turn the Title Deed card facedown and collect the mortgage value from the Bank.

      To unmortgage, you must pay the Bank the unmortgage cost (the mortgage value plus 10% interest), and then turn the Title Deed card faceup. No rent can be collected on mortgaged estates, bridges, or utilities. The doubled rent can still be collected on the unmortgaged estates in a color set. The increased rent on unmortgaged bridges and utilities can be collected in the same way.



      When you land on an estate, bridge, or utility owned by another player, the owner must ask you for rent. If they do, you must pay the proper amount based on the Title Deed card.

      If the owner doesn’t ask for rent before the next player rolls the dice, you don’t have to pay.

      If the estate, bridge, or utility is mortgaged, no rent can be collected (see MORTGAGES).



      There are a few ways to go to Jail: (1) Your token lands on the space marked “Go to Jail”; (2) You draw a card marked “Go to Jail”; or

      (3) You roll doubles three times in a row. When you are sent to Jail, you cannot collect $200 from passing GO and your turn ends. If you are not sent to Jail but happen to land on the Jail space, put your token in the “Just Visiting” section.

      You incur no penalty, and you move ahead in the usual manner on your next turn.

      There are a few ways to get out of Jail: (1) before rolling, pay $50. Then roll and move as normal; (2) before rolling, use a “Get Out of Jail Free” card if you have it or buy one from another player. Put the card at the bottom of the appropriate deck. Then roll and move as normal; (3) roll doubles. If you do, use the roll to move, and that’s the end of your turn. You can use up to three turns to try to roll doubles.

      If you do not roll doubles by your third turn, you must pay the $50 fine. You then get out of Jail and immediately move forward

      the number of spaces shown by your roll. While in Jail, you can still collect rent, bid during auctions, buy houses and hotels, mortgage, and trade.



      Houses: When you own all the estates in a color set, you may buy houses from the Bank and build them on those estates. You cannot build a house in a color set that has a mortgaged estate.

      The cost of each house is shown on the Title Deed card for the estate on which you build the house. You may buy and build at any time (even not during your turn) as many houses as your judgement and financial standing will allow. But you must build evenly. This means that you cannot build more than one house on any one estate of any color set until you have built one house on every estate of that group. You may then begin on the second row of houses, and so on, up to a limit of four houses per estate. For example, you cannot build three houses on one estate if you only have one house on another estate of that color set.

      Hotels: When a player has four houses on each estate of a complete color set, they may buy a hotel from the Bank and build it on any estate of the color set. They return the four houses from that estate to the Bank and pay the cost for the hotel as shown on the Title Deed card. Only one hotel may be built on any one estate. You cannot have houses and hotels on the same estate.

      Selling: When selling buildings, you must do so evenly. You must sell all hotels in a color set before selling any houses. If you sell a hotel, you must replace it with 4 houses. All buildings are sold to the

      Bank for half the building cost.

      Shortages: If there are no houses or hotels left in the Bank and you want to buy one, you must wait for a player to return or sell their house or hotel. If multiple players want to buy the last house or hotel, the buildings must be sold in an auction to the highest bidder. The auction follows the same rules as estate, bridge, or utility auctions (see



      Estates, bridges, utilities, money, and “Get Out of Jail Free” cards (but not houses and hotels) may be traded between players at any point during the game. This does not have to be on your turn. No estate can be traded to another player if there are buildings on any estates of that color set. All buildings must be sold before the owner can trade any estate of that color set.

      You may trade a mortgaged estate, bridge, or utility to another player. The new owner must either unmortgage it immediately (see MORTGAGES) or keep the mortgage and pay 10% of the mortgage value to the Bank.



      You are declared bankrupt if you owe more than you can pay either to another player or to the Bank. When declaring bankruptcy, you must sell all houses and hotels that you own. (see BUILDINGS). If you go bankrupt to another player, you must give them all that you

      have of value. This includes estates, bridges, utilities, money, and “Get Out of Jail Free” cards. If you have mortgaged estates, bridges, or utilities, you must also give these to your creditor. The new owner must either unmortgage it immediately (see MORTGAGES) or keep the mortgage and pay 10% of the mortgage value to the Bank.

      If you go bankrupt to the Bank, you must turn over all that you have of value to the Bank. The Bank immediately unmortgages and auctions all of your previously owned estates, bridges, and utilities. Return any “Get Out of Jail Free” cards to the bottom of the appropriate deck.

      A bankrupt player must immediately leave the game.

      GAME VARIATIONS SHORT GAME RULES (60 to 90 minutes)

      There are four changed rules for this shortened game.

      1.During PREPARATION, the Banker shuffles, then deals three Title Deed cards to each player. These are free—no payment to the Bank is required.

      2.You need only three houses (instead of four) on each estate of a complete color set before you may buy a hotel. Hotel rent remains the same. You can still sell houses for half of the cost.

      3.If you land in Jail you must exit on your next turn by (1) using a “Get Out of Jail Free” card if you have (or can buy) one; (2) rolling doubles; or (3) paying $50. Unlike the standard rules, you may try to roll doubles and, failing to do so, pay the $50 on your first turn.

      4.END OF GAME: The game ends when one player goes bankrupt. The remaining players value their assets: (1) cash on hand; (2) estates, bridges, and utilities owned, valued at the price printed on the board; (3) any mortgaged estates, bridges, and utilities owned, valued at the mortgage value; (4) houses, valued at their cost; (5) hotels, valued at the cost of four houses. The richest player wins!



      Before starting, agree upon a time limit, when the richest player will be declared the winner. Before starting, the Banker shuffles the Title Deed cards and deals two to each player. Players immediately pay the Bank the costs of the estates, bridges, and utilities dealt to them.

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