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      Clue Rules



      Mr. Mo Boddy has been found dead in this house, and it is your job to figure out what happened. You must figure out who committed the crime, where he/she committed it, and with what weapon.



      6 Suspect pieces

      6 Weapon chips

      21 total cards of Rooms, Suspects, and Weapons

      1 Detective notepad

      1 Envelope

      1 Die

      Set Up:

      Place all colored pieces on their corresponding square on the board.

      Randomly place each Weapon chip in a different room.

      Sort the cards into three separate, facedown piles: Suspects, Rooms, and Weapons. Shuffle each pile separately. Making sure no one can see the cards, take one card from each pile, place them in the envelope, and then place the envelope on the center of the board.

      Your goal is to figure out what three cards are in the envelope.

      Now, shuffle the three piles of cards together. Deal them facedown to each player. It is okay if some players receive more cards than others.

      Everyone may look at their own cards. Through process of elimination, these cards help you figure out which cards are in the envelope.

      Take a paper from the detective notepad and check off the cards in your hand, making sure no one can see what is on your paper. It may help to hide your notes by folding your paper in half.



      On your turn, either roll the die and move your piece, or use a Secret Passage if you are in a corner room. The goal of moving is to reach a room, since you can only make suggestions while in a room (see Making a Suggestion).


      Roll the die and move that number of squares.

      You may move horizontally or vertically, but not diagonally.

      You may change directions as many times as your roll allows for, but you may not enter the same square twice on the same turn.

      You may not enter or land on a square that’s already occupied by an opponent’s piece.

      Secret Passages.

      As you can see on the board, the rooms

      in opposite corners are connected by Secret Passages. If you are in one of these rooms at the start of your turn, you may use the Secret Passage instead of rolling. In order to do this, you must announce you are using a Secret Passage before you roll, and then move your piece to the room in the opposite corner.

      Entering and Leaving a Room.

      You may enter or leave a room either by rolling the die and moving through a doorway or moving through a Secret Passage.

      Secret Passages

      Secret Passages

      As soon as you enter a room, you must stop moving, regardless of how much movement you have left.

      You may not exit through a doorway that is blocked by an opponent’s piece.

      When starting your turn in a room that you ended your turn in, you must leave that room on your turn.

      If you were moved to a room by an opponent who suggested you (see Making a Suggestion), you may stay in the room on your turn and make a suggestion there. In this case, you don’t roll the die or move your piece.

      You may not re-enter a room on the same turn you left it.


      As soon as you enter a room, you may make a suggestion. Making suggestions helps narrow down what cards are in the envelope.

      To make a suggestion, you must say “I suggest,” along with which Suspect and Weapon you think were part of the crime. The room you are in is automatically the suggested Room.

      As you make your suggestion, you must move the Suspect and Weapon pieces to the room you’re in. After making your suggestion, the Suspect and Weapon you moved do not return to where they were.


      As soon as you make a suggestion, your opponents must try to prove it false. Starting with the player to your left, they must secretly show you a card from their hand that has one of the three things in your suggestion (Suspect, Weapon, or Room). If they don’t have any of the suggested cards, the player to their left must show you a suggested card.

      If they have more than one suggested

      card, they must choose only one to show. This continues clockwise until either someone shows you a card, or no one has any of the suggested cards.

      Once someone has shown you a card, no one else can show you a card this turn. Mark down the revealed card in your notepad. This is the end of your turn.

      If no one can prove your suggestion false, you may turn your suggestion into an accusation.


      You can only make an accusation once during the game, so be cautious.

      When you think you’ve figured out which three cards are in the envelope, you may, on your turn, make an accusation.

      You can make an accusation about any room, regardless of where you are on the board.

      To make an accusation, you must say “I accuse,” along with the Suspect, Weapon, and Room you think were part of the crime. Then, so only you can see, look at the cards in the envelope. If your accusation is correct, you win.

      If any part of your accusation is incorrect, return the cards to the envelope so no one can see them. You can no longer take a turn, and therefore cannot win. You must continue to try to prove your opponents’ suggestions false (see Proving a Suggestion True or False).

      If your piece is blocking a door after making a false accusation, move it to the nearest room.

      Your opponents may continue to move

      your piece to rooms while suggesting you as a Suspect.


      You win the game if your accusation is completely correct. When this happens, take out all three cards and lay them out for everyone to see.


      When you make a suggestion, you may name one or more cards that you have in your own hand. You might want to do this to gain information or to mislead your opponents.

      There is no limit to the number of Weapons or Suspects in a room.

      All pieces are potential Suspects, even those not being used by players.

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